SABCEMM Documentation

This is the doxygen documentation for the SABCEMM project.

First steps

This tutorial guides you through the first steps to use the SABCEMM framework on a linux. If you are trying to use the framework on Windows or Mac, please have a look at SABCEMM on Windows or Mac for further information.

Open a terminal and enter the following commands.

Get the source code:

git clone

Update the submodules:

git submodule init git submodule update

Build the program:

`mkdir build cd build cmake .. make`

SABCEMM and its test will be put in build/src and build/test, respectively.

Now, create an input file (see Creating an Input File) or use one of the existing files in src/input.

Then, SABCEMM is run like:

cd src ./financeSimulation PATH/TO/INPUT_FILE.xml

The simulation results will be placed in a folder output (relative to the program's working directory).

Some of SABCEMM's features need additional libraries. Those features are turned off in CMake by default. See the section dependencies for further guidance. Per default, SABCEMM does not have any dependencies.


SABCEMM uses CMake as a build-system. If you're not familiar with CMake, have a look at the CMake Tutorial.

Header-only/small dependencies are bundled and possibly encapsuled in submodules (boost, tinyxml2)

However, you must install the following libraries manually:




The code is compiled conditionally, depending on the available libraries and user-controlled switches in CMake (WITH_HDF5, WITH_INTEL_MKL, WITH_NAG).

If dependencies are not met, cmake will fail and not generate Makefiles. Try "ccmake ." and fix the wrong paths.

Special Notes